A new thing

It is so random what inspires you to do a different kind of subject in a painting. Something has to speak to you and you have to answer. For some reason I have been fascinated at farm animals of late. Maybe it is the fact that we have been looking at getting some ducks or chickens or rabbits and so have been seeing them as if for the first time.
Until you start to seriously look for something you will probably not see it.
Like the car that you never saw and now see it all the time because you got one.
So for me to think about doing farm animals means looking for them everywhere and what I found is that they are so beautiful if you look close. I am not sure how this will work in reality but in theory giant paintings of a single animal I think would look great. They would be modern clean and simple paintings because that is the best way to see the beauty. A reduction to only beautiful lines and big blocks of black and white. simple.
I am telling you this because I am going to start doing them and when I finish who knows what it will look like as I have to let it be what it wants.
But this is the starting point and who whos what I will find on the way.
So thus began the new journey to find simple.

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