
Everything in life is really marketing. Buy and sell everything. Even if you are a non profit you still have to market your idea. Every idea in the whole world needs a market to survive.

This blog is a market. The thing I am marketing is my life. I am selling you my whole experience and in return what you pay me is space. I need space to think and I need a sounding board and that is what you are to me. If you glean something, then good. I hope you do and I am not wasting your time. When I write to you I am thinking and looking at the thoughts written down so I can see them better. If someone responds then it is even better as I have more thoughts to add on.

It is a fun practice to think of everything as marketing because you can make sure you are giving something valuable to life and make sure you are getting something valuable back. It should be a win win thing here.  If every word that you hear is out on the market then you can choose to buy wisely. Or not.

This is a proactive way to looking at everything. It is also a great way to evaluate if what you are giving is good too. You don’t want to be a bad value for the princely price of someone else s life do you? What are you marketing today, right now, right here???? Think about it.

photo by wolf 359

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