Trying to put into words what I do for a living as a painter is a difficult thing to do. This isn’t even my mission statement. It is a description of what I do on a deep level so anyone can understand it. So I am going through Ann Raes Creative Life seminar and it is very helpful for more than marketing. It is helpful on a soul level. If you are vague about what you do you won’t deliver the goods to even yourself.
I tried all sorts of things describing what I thought my ladies meant or the process, but that is meaningless to a buyer of my work. They just have to connect to my work on an emotional level, so all the blah blah is a waste of time.
Driving around in the car not even thinking about anything like this, A phrase came into my mind that felt right in my belly. It felt right and true.
The most important aspect of my work is that it gives you feminine energy to balance your life. I was thinking about how most of our environs are masculine. Like a craftsman house, so common here in the northwest. Big massive wainscoting and big crown moulding and dark wood. Is any of that feminine and nurturing. No it is totally masculine( I will take care of you and keep your safe from harm because I am so much bigger than you]Now there is nothing wrong with that but most interior designers pair that kind of house with likewise craftsman furniture. Again big and massive. You might feel safe , but you won’t feel warm.
Same goes for contemporary modern houses. Big expanses of wall with clean lines in the furniture. Again masculine. The balancing of the two is important for well being. I know this sounds new age but you will not feel centered or comfortable in your own house unless you balance that out with something feminine. The power of that combo is universal and beautiful.
Now that I know what I do and WHY(which is the big part) I should be able to talk about what I do with more clarity and focus. And that is a fantastic feeling to clarify something that seems elusive and space and random and magical and where did this come from?? The ghost has a body that I can describe. And that is power. And freedom.
And I think it would apply to every line of work.