sometimes(ok every morning) I wake up and have new wild ideas. Why do I get these ideas that seem to come from somewhere outside of me. Is it because I am an artist and am open to new ideas. They come and I wake up all shaky with can’t wait to do them , jitters. My poor husband has to listen to the latest barrage of ideas to start his day. After being married to me for so long , he does not get upset and think I am asking him to do anything. He has learned that my ideas do not have to involve him immediately, He has a good week or so before that happens. I am married to the most perfect man for me. The total opposite of my energy so that I do not go off the deep end. Even though I try every day to sky dive, He is a net.
I would love to have someone out there write a comment below – and tell me if you ever have this experience. What is it like for you to wake up? tell me.
The thing that is most important in my work is texture. the texture can override a multitude of sins. Continue reading “Texture”