I have been doing some abstract painting for a change of pace and I have realized one thing. without a starting place of any image it is very hard to just start.
I did one painting and I was so pleased with it I thought I would do several more on the same vein. Once I got that idea in my mind it was like a worm.
It is hard to let it go and just do it. It is more than design and color. Paintings have a life of their own. They have to be what they want to be.
As wacko as that sounds it is true. In an abstract I think you have to totally take your left brain out of the mix and just be in the moment.
Whenever that moment shows up, you better jump on it.
Yesterday in the studio I was wanting to do an abstact of an iris without drawing an iris. I wanted it to feel like an iris but now have an iris in it.
Five hours later no painting but about a gallon of ink gone. Very Sad. It is hard to be loose when you are tight up freaking out mentally mad and paint an abstact painting.
This blog is written in honor of the pain all artists go through at time trying to get a new thing. Just by our nature we have to have a new thing or we dry up and die and it is so uncomfortable being dead and alive at the same time.
But I am embracing the pain and challenge and moving on. If it is too easy then you are either staying at the same old boring level or you don’t care. Both of these are bad.
If anyone ever says that abstracts are easy then they are crazy. They are the hardest of all to do. If you don’t believe me then just try it.I dare you.