Some people dread celebrating their milestone birthdays. I usually was one of those people. It’s like you don’t want to look in the mirror when you get older. You don’t want to see the progressing signs of age covering you like a blanket. Nobody wants the time to run out and birthdays are a huge reminder of that fact.
Instinctively our friends gather around us and verify that we are worth is and offer support as we look in the. mirror.
There were several aspects of a birthday party that I never noticed before. When I walked in and they all yelled surprise is just like when we die. It will be a surprise no matter how we go.
How interesting that we get wrapped presents. You don’t know what is in the box till you open it, It could be a joke or it could be something you can really use just like our days, you just don’t now what is in the box.
Cake is sweet and we all cut into it and share it with everyone. You are the cake and I hope what you have to share is sweet.
Candles blaze like a funeral pyre and the older you get ( well, you know where that is going!)
My darling friends stayed at the party till midnight so they could sing Happy Birthday on the real birthday date. It might seem silly to do that as we had been there since 4 , but it was profound too to go through that bother , but they did because each life is indeed important and worth noting
We went out to the car in the pristine clear night where the stars were blazing and Jupiter and Mars were glowing. We gazed at the sky and marveled at the heavens that we get to live under together . Candles in the sky for all our birthdays. Birthdays and Deathdays and all the days between.
Happy Birthday to a marvelous and uniquely creative friend, classmate, and superstar
I may not say it often or even said it at all but I want you to know I love you❤️