I find that after I get back from a trip, and a few months go by , the trip starts to leak out into my life and things that I saw awhile ago start showing up in my work.
I saw some Mama Anderson paintings that were so beautiful and haunting and intoxicating and now those colors are coming into my new work. almost all pastel colors and soft raw sienna. Just a hint of a blush .
Last week I was doing tropical colors because I was remembering Kauai and this week I am steeped in New York winter colors.
You can’t really control what you do if you are a real artist or should you. It is not about what I like or want even. The work has a mind of its own. I wouldn’t have it any other way. If was up to me I would wreck it by overthinking. Overthinking is death to any art form. You only have to have to hear the command and obey the voices you hear and the rest is done for you. being an artist is a lot like having faith. You don;t have to understand everything before you just trust that it is being dolled out to you and all you have to do is catch it as it goes by. Like a baseball, Just catch it and be with it and let it unfold.