My new studio is named Bento Box.. I name every house I have and when we finished the studio it also got a name. When you give something a name it gives it identity and sort of a soul At least as soulish as a room can be. Nonetheless , rooms do speak to you . The things you decide to place in it , the positioning of the furniture, what will happen there . These all will reflect something whether you want it to or not . A name is even going further to reflect what you are wanting to happen there.
Bento Box is a beautiful little Japanese box for food that is composed of smaller boxed in areas. Wooden dividers to separate foodstuffs. Very neatly organized to enhance your food experience.
we’ll that’s what the former two car garage turned into. Spaces delineated for different things in one bigger box space.
24 feet square . 13 feet high . Just a little Bento Box to work in.
instead of having the usual paints everywhere I isolated them in a cedar chest. I’m only doing one painting at a time.
The result is a quiet simple feel that I hope will affect my work. The walls are black and cream . Caviar and summer white to be exact.
My first painting is a simple black and white abstract called Montlake.
it is a memory of canoeing through lily pads in Montlake in Seattle. The dark trees with just a hint of sunlight peeking through.
I found an old photo of that day 35 years ago and it really felt like what I’m going through now in my life . Paddling along into the unknown of getting older .