Everything you need

You have everything you need right now. Even if you are stranded on a desert island you have everything you need right now. It all depends on what you are doing. If you are doing nothing much then you have everything you need. If you have a building to build then you also have everything you need. all you need is a brain. the rest is only imaginary. You think I need bla bla but you might not.

I used to sell art and I did not even have a car. I used to take the bus and go on appointments. I made sales and I did not even have anything but a borrowed projector and slides that people sent me.  To sell art I made the huge cash outlay of 100 dollars to mail out the marketing cards that I hand made. I did have a phone though so I was not that bad off. My husband laughs when I tell him the stories about how I would take th e bus to Seattle and go give a presentation to the gal the curates the art for Safeco Corporation. Up there in the big office building on the top floor I was talking to this woman who did not know that I had no money and took the bus there. She said it was nice to talk to someone who has such a thorough knowledge of the art world. I read a lot of art magazines and knew how to talk the talk. I bought a couple of nice suits from the goodwill. I looked the part. I had pearls and pumps. I was a businesswoman with my own company. they did not know the difference. Nobody knows anything but what you tell them. I did things that I did not know how to do on a regular basis in my life.

Once I worked for a lawyer and was his main secretary. I had a secretary and what I did was delegate all my work to others and I organized his desk and looked like I knew what was going on. I just helped him live. I can’t believe that I got away with that one now that I look back. But again people have no reason not to trust you till they know they can’t trust you.

Maybe you can do a job you are totally not qualified for but in the doing of it you learn then you are qualified. You can come in the back door all the time. So you see, you have everything you need.

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