Muscle memory

I always thought that muscle memory was that if you worked out a long time ago and then started again, your muscles would remember and it would be easier for you.
Unfortunately that is not true. Your muscles remember by figuring out how to do something and then it uses everything efficiently so you burn less calories.
That is why you have to do new things all the time. to keep the muscle confused so it will burn energy like a furnace not a slow boat to china.
the burn is your friend.
anyway this is also true for creatives. we get good at something and then it is not challenging and the work seems stale somehow.
Its always the one that is the new level, the first one of the bunch that is the best.
then you have to do something else.
all artists do that. change up the style somewhat to keep it fresh.
too bad life is like that.
You always gotta be uncomfortable. to grow. rats!

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