Spectacular thoughts

I was working in the garden thinking about the next painting I am going to do. Most people know that doing repetitive activities can put you in a zone where you are almost in a twilight of semi conscious. That is where spectacular lives. Those ideas that sneak up and surprise you with the thoughts that are not your own.

I know this will sound weird, but great ideas are floating in the air like dust and you just have to have one speck land on you. Where did this come from? Is it in the air? Is that just a metaphor or is it a physical reality? Are thoughts physical or what are they. what are thoughts?

We are not computers just processing info. No it is more than that. Can you hold a thought long enough to get it down on paper? Why do you have to be in a relaxed state to get these great thoughts that surprise you?

This is very head-throbbing pondering. What do you think?? Are we just regurgitating old info in new patterns or is it something else.???? What do you think???

3 Replies to “Spectacular thoughts”

  1. I gather that you believe creativity and ideas come from outside a person. I have always believed that we are genuinely creative, not merely conduits; that is; that is, God made us with the capacity to think things up, and to imagine how they might be brought to life on canvas, with a camera, etc. I don’t think they were preexisting notions he puts into our heads. “Let us make man in our image.” That’s the idea (or one of them).

  2. If we take God out of the equation, what I can observe is that Intelligence is the character of Nature. Or if I use some word play, Intelligence is the nature of nature. Intelligence is the source of all creation. This intelligence is not the same as what we normally aware of, the cunning or conniving nature of humans which is mistaken to be Intelligence. This is the intelligence which we see in all living organisms from a Protozoa to Humans. A very famous experiment shows that the roots of a plant grow towards the direction of water and shoots of a plan bend towards the direction of sunlight, this is intelligence this is creativity. Humans are no different, I guess the most beneficial of creative efforts come from a thoughtless zone of pure intelligence and once created they release waves all around, another person can tap into those waves when in a similar state of mind and have similar creative urges. Often we see practices among tribals that have pervaded time and space nothing else could explain this phenomenon!

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