
To get something new in your life you have to let go of something else. Usually what you have to let go of is assumed security. Everybody has things that make them feel secure. We hold on to them for dear life because we think they are dear life. they are not. They are only a feeling.

think about this for a second. You have a relationship, job,way of doing things, thought patterns  etc that are your blanket . You feel safe there.

that is why new things are hard. You have to let go of something and TRUST that you won’t die.

Or you will die but you might have died anyway clutching on t o something. Things wont help you.

Here are three reasons to let go when you see some thing more important than what you have.

1. It is healthy to change ever so often. Healthy. It  is like exercise . It is healthy

2. The new thing will make you grow. Even if it is hard, especially if it is hard

3. WE are created to constantly get better and staying put is not going to help you get better.

Here is an example.

I am afraid to learn to swim. I hate swimming and who needs it. Learning to swim will make you stronger three ways. You learn to say no to yourself. good. you learn to overcome fear. You learn to move through water without drowning. New skill to build on.

You can swim in many waters in your life then. You will see new places that you might need to see to grow in other areas. Swimming will take you to them.

You have to do it.

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