Time that you have

We all have a limited about of time to do everything we want. I have found that a good way to view time is to think of it like an unfamiliar road. You have no idea how long the road lasts but suddenly you are on it when you are born and you start walking down it. Most people live as though they have lots and lots of time. They put off important things or things that make them uncomfortable to have a little comfort for now. The only problem with that is you don’t know how much time you have to waste.  None of us has time to waste even if you live to be 100 years old because everything that comes into our path – whether comfortable or uncomfortable – is our immediate job. That might seem obvious but I have met people that don’t seem to get that. You better walk today because tomorrow you might lose your legs. If you run till you cant run anymore at least you wont have any regrets or self loathing to deal with. Nothing is more painful than thinking about what you could have done when you still could but you put off till you felt more comfortable. Nothing Nothing Nothing. Because it is all your fault and you will know it.

I am not even good at not wasting precious time and I know this so I am saying this blog to myself first and foremost. I do know it is true .

painting by Leonardo de Vinci “The Annunciation”

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