How little do I need

This studio has turned out to have a big effect on me. Not only am I doing a radically different style of artwork but it’s affecting me other ways too.
I took half on my clothes out of my closet and gave them away .
I removed furniture out of my living room and gave it away.
the storage shed is full because I can’t bring myself to bring one more thing into the studio.
I don’t know if the wide open spaces I live in are changing me or just the studio or maybe it’s a combination.
my writing is sumi on steroids.
as few words as possible but still see something .
the calm that all this infuses into my thinking is good.
The spaces between are so soothing.

it’s pretty new to me
the long pauses the lingering ,

the waiting for nothing

I recently went to visit my Mom in Tacoma.
she has done the same thing as I am doing in her little house. Lots of garden but the inside is pretty sparse. Especially her bedroom. Just a window looking out to the garden with a fountain bubbling. Just a bed and a window
the key is to walk in this mind

not get all bunched up but remain in a mindset that remains sparse even though the world might be full of distractions .


My friends were here visiting from the west side and they wanted to go on a walk. I took them over to the school football field so we could walk on the grass there. A man was also walking and he was walking barefoot in the grass. He told us it was for grounding to get the computer charge off of him. We took our shoes off too and tried it. The wet grass felt wonderful on our feet as it was a little warm here even at 7 am. After we got home I looked it up and sure enough grounding is a thing. You have to be skin against ground not cement so you really need a nice field to walk in.
after my friends left I went with my husband and got him hooked on it too. It’s very soothing mentally to meander around the field . I hope you can find a field of dreams yourself and try this out. We are too plugged in these days and it’s nice to know there is a way to undo the charges we acquire during the day.


Write it down

Life is so brief. What do you leave behind that’s really something. Things are ok but what you learned is better.
I wish I had a book of thoughts that my parents and grandparents had written down. I wish I knew them that way instead of how briefly we really talked about big things. That’s really why I’m writing this blog It’s for my children and grandchildren. Well I only had one child but he got married so I consider his wife my child too . They had two children and how life is you really don’t spend a lot of time talking but you can write.
Write it down because you will forget you will forget all the little things .
The past eleven years have little things recorded .
It doesn’t have to be big things that matter.
life is mostly tiny moments of insight,

You can write it down for you also . It’s fun to see how our thinking changes with new experiences . I don’t know if you have total recall, but I sure can’t remember most things , especially the little sweet things. Glimpses and insights that God mercifully gives you .
Each life is breathtaking in the grand scheme of things and it is so easy to forget it even happened .
But you can write it down and capture a little of that gift each day . You can put that day in a little picture frame of words and go back and visit it again .
It’s something only you can do. It’s something only you can know and it’s something only you can give .

The Strawberry field

my friends came to pick

the field that was planted with love

in the dirt that nourished the plants

simple field yet the combination of

everything good that day

the rosy juicy heart shaped jewels

were warm in the sun and our hands captured the exact essence of a summer day

one for now one for the box

the soft carpet like earth

between green rows heavy with fruit

the pastel cloud sky billowy and surreal

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