the depression

Was the depression a bad time to build a Grand Coulee Dam?? No it was the best time. It employed thousands of people and town was created that was not there before. And the electricity made there powered houses all over the country. From then on.

We got to visit there and had an inspirational time.

What a big idea, what a lot of cement. This is all before all the modern equipment that they have today. It is like a cathedral. It took several lifetimes to built them yet they were built.

We are a spoiled society now. We want everything now. We want everything to make money now now now. for the short-term gain.

Get in and Get out. Flip houses. like pancakes.

I like to think about the ideas that required so much vision and sacrifice that you who thought of the idea probably would  not see the end result.

Nobody  thinks like that anymore, We are getting to be more and more of a tabloid society,

Why am I going on about this and what does this have to do with what I usually talk about.???

Everything. Purpose that is beyond your life is a hard thing to think about. You want to have left something for others when you live. You want your art to last and have value long after you are gone. Whatever your art is. What a gift it is to see something that is still wonderful after years and years and years.

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