
Many years ago when my son was a young boy of nine, an artist friend did a quick pencil sketch of him while he was not looking at her. He was just laying on the couch absorbed in something else.
To this day I have the yellowed newsprint drawing in a cherished place in my house. I am going to frame it as give it the place it deserves.
I was thinking of how much I love that simple line drawing and was contemplating doing paintings of children for other people. I have done a few in my time but not seriously.
If I can do it I think I should.
If that old friend of mine knew how much I love the drawing she did of my son so long ago she probably would not believe me. It was so long ago. It probably took her a minute to draw it.
but that is the way art is.
art is important and timeless and a gift. I am so excited to get going on this a new idea!

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