What I have not learned.

What I have learned best is what I do not know. I do not know how to be gentle. I do not know how to be selfless and humble.  I do not know how to be careful of what I say.  There always is a flip side to your strengths. The other side is of course your weakness.

It is a fine line to learn to walk in humility and be a confident person. Also a fine line to being courageous and being gentle. Usually one will take over the other.  I admire people who are gentle and strong. What that looks like is someone who is not defending themselves but others, and someone who is thinking about conquering lands so that the greater good is accomplished.

I think of Jesus of course as modeling that. He could have obliterated everyone in HIs way but he remained meek.
Strength without gentleness is usually cruel. There are many examples of that as you know. I need not go into them because that is by far the easiest road to take.

The same goes for mild people by nature. It is equally hard for them to show strength when it is needed.  In this difficult world full of people with all these tendencies, it is wonderful to have Someone to turn to for help. Someone so much bigger than ourselves that it is astounding that He even lets us live one more minute.

Painting:  VanDyck, Suffer Little Children to Come Unto Me

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