
The reality is Reality is the only non changeable thing about everything. We are stuck with truth and cannot change it no matter how we try. But we can understand that reality only a brick wall when we are looking at only one reality. Another reality exists at the same time but we just have to see it . Take a huge basic truth. You cannot fly with your body alone. Well we are aware of that but they are ways to get around that if you dont just rely on your arms flapping to do it.

Every problem has two realities. One that is obvious and one not so obvious. A creative type person will look for ways around things by looking at the problem from different angles. I will believe it when I see it person will only look at most things from one angle. Lets say you have no job and are pretty old and as far as you see nobody is hiring you.  There is another thing you can do besides start your own business. You can work for free to prove how valuable you are just like a young apprentice might. Employers might be looking at your age and stopping there. If you are clever and prove how much you have to offer they will change their mind.

You have to change their reality too. At least you wont be needing to go on maternity leave like young people might. You have experience and view points that might be just what they need to stabilize a business.

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