
Whether you think so or not, color affects you in a big way.
Color on the walls, color outside, color in your cheeks, the color of your hair.
I want to talk about the color of your hair today.
I was reading an article in a magazine by hairdresser who said that 90 percent of people who do color for hair go blond. I bleached my hair about 4 years ago for the first time and it changed my life.
It felt so good to look in the mirror and see a happier brighter person.
I dyed it back to dark brown for a change up and when the stylist was finished I was horrified.I went into a sever depression.
How can color around your face affect you so much.
Well it does.
Anything that gives you a lift when you look into the mirror will reflect back on your personality. You will mirror and if you feel one bit better about what you see it is worth it.
This might sound egocentric but it isn’t . Anytime you make yourself look better it is a gift to anyone who has to look at you every day.
My husband vouches for this. It makes him feel better too.
I even think some guys should be blond instead of brown.

making your house and everything you do as beautiful as you can will have a big effect on your whole life and it will be like a balm to your family.
go spread beauty wherever you can. whenever you can.. however you can.

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